This stone’s recutting resulted in some huge improvements: it went from having a dull, lifeless, asymmetrical cut full of extinction into a better color and much better light return at the cost of falling below 2 carats.
Commercially cut sapphires are usually cut terribly in order to retain as much material (and therefore color and weight) as possible so some loss of color is usually a given when recutting. In this particular case that served the stone well, since losing some of its weight brightened its tone and allowed it to look much better than it used to.
Green sapphire
Intense green of a medium to medium-dark tone, with blue and yellow modifiers
Eye clean
This stone’s recutting resulted in some huge improvements: it went from having a dull, lifeless, asymmetrical cut full of extinction into a better color and much better light return at the cost of falling below 2 carats.
Commercially cut sapphires are usually cut terribly in order to retain as much material (and therefore color and weight) as possible so some loss of color is usually a given when recutting. In this particular case that served the stone well, since losing some of its weight brightened its tone and allowed it to look much better than it used to.
The only website where all gems get diligently color-matched and edited for accuracy until they reflect what the eye sees in diffused daylight outdoors.
Accurately represented in practical terms rather than abstract grading systems. When we say "eye clean", we really mean it as close up as the eyes can focus.
No commercial cuts here - all of our stones are recut to a high standard for added value, rarity and beauty.